Apartments in Font de Sa Cala in eastern Mallorca
2 to 3-bedroom homes just 470 metres from the sea.
Essence of Sa Cala residential estate is in eastern Mallorca, surrounded by coves with crystal clear turquoise waters, towering cliffs, and lush green areas. The estate consists of 2 to 3-bedroom apartments and semi-detached and independent single of 2 to 3-bedroom family houses. One of the highlights is that all the properties face south, with large windows and balcony doors providing light and spaciousness, beautiful sea views of the sea, and a backdrop of surrounding mountains. Essence of Sa Cala has a spacious common area with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, children’s play area, green area, and outdoor parking spaces. This is your chance to live on the coast of Mallorca.
Essence of Sa Cala has 42 homes, 31 of them in 2 blocks of flats with 2 to 3 bedrooms; and 11 semi-detached and independent 2 to 3-bedroom single-family homes, with 2 and 3 bedrooms. If you are looking for an apartments, you can choose between a ground floor, first floor, or penthouse with a solarium. All apartments have a garage place and storage room, which are included in the price. If you are looking for a single-family home, you can choose between a semi-detached or detached villa. All of which are distributed between 2 floors, besides a rooftop terrace, garden and a private parking space in your own plot.
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